Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Random lines from my moleskine from the week of 4/11/10

- Written underneath a terrible drawing of a house: "You can't just put up a shingle and expect to get first-rate clients. MODIFICATION."

- "Hands covering face - enters room with cake." I don't know what this is from.

-"Sometimes when I read poems by Walt Whitman, I feel harassed because he keeps telling me how I'm gonna do this and how I oughta do that." Sometimes, I write about the things I don't understand or really want to understand.

- What one girl said to this bitchy girl at Wal-Mart: "GURL, It'd be in your best interest if you attended to that disposition of yours."

- I dreamt that I was on the 'Jersey Shore' again. What does this mean?

- Tommy James and the Shondells.

- "The other day, and this relates I promise, I found a $20 bill lying on the sidewalk. No one was around and so I picked it up. When I finally got to sit down and look at it, I kept wondering about the poor bastard that was missing a $20. Was it her last stitch of dough? Was it one of several she had rolled in a wad. But then, I just thought, "You know, what's wrong with a little extra cash?" and so I just went outside and just put it back where I found it." I could use that $20 now.

- "Pain and sorrow will eventually find you so you needn't go searching for despair." Someone was telling me about a song they wrote about a sadness they had never felt but knew they would someday feel. Why would you write about that?

- "Keeping a diary sucks because there are truths I cannot face."

- "I'd like to take this moment to compare myself to the Sioux Nation of Indians..." I wish I could have heard why this guy was comparing himself to the Sioux but I was already running late to class.

- "You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts. Sound is a diversion and a past time. Thinking is half murdered when you talk." Notes I took when I read some of Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophet."

Monday, April 5, 2010

No touching!

Instead of editing together screen tests for my final (shit!), I edited together some odd bits of footage I had on the end of a tape and created this work of... art?

PS- Pirogi pizza is a gift from the Gods!

PPS- Ugh, finals! I need to create something substantial for my portfolio.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hanging out with my dad

I'm working on a short documentary about my dad, Todd Groesbeck, for Advanced Film. Here's the really, really, really (1,000 more really's!) rough cut of the flick. There is a 3 second section that is out of sync because I was too tired to fix it, but like I said, it's a rough draft.

If you are foaming at the mouth for more, visit his website: or read his blog,

He also has a solo show coming up this October at the WCAC Gallery in Hagerstown Maryland, so if you are in the area then, it should be a groovy time!

Monday, March 22, 2010


I had to make a silly, little short using only footage from, but I did that last year and wanted to have some fun with the assignment this time. I used footage I shot this weekend at the Maple Fest in Edinboro, Pa. I went two times (ha! free pancakes will do that to a woman!) and had a ball!

If you know the words, sing along!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Phoenix, Arizona trip

I am still editing this (for a few hours tonight, actually) for a class assignment. It has to be edited in a rhythmic pattern of 5 frames, 10 frames, 15 frames and 5. The music was recorded while we were sitting on fake grass in the Arizona State University park. I can't remember the musician's name but he reminded me a ton of Andrew Bird.